A Variety of High Quality Surface Finishes is Another Major Advantage
When clever design is combined with the versatility of the zinc die casting process, it maximizes the aesthetic appeal of productsZinc die castings are an outstanding choice for countless decorative and functional applications. Due to its unique physical and mechanical properties, zinc can be cast into virtually limitless shapes and sizes ranging from simple toy cars to complex connector housings.
The majority of zinc die cast applications are not exposed to corrosive environments and the aesthetic requirements of the part defines which finish should be used, which in many cases means no finish at all.
For applications where the service environment is aggressive, or where aesthetics dictate, an unrivaled range and quality of conversion coatings, organic paint and superb electroplated metal finishes (e.g. nickel, satin and bright chrome) can be easily and reliably applied to any selected surfaces of your component.
Excellent substrates help yield excellent finishes. Inexpensive bulk vibratory finishing can be used to improve the ‘as cast’ surface. Exceptionally smooth finishes can be obtained prior to finishing by lightly buffing or chemical polishing.
Due to the high fluidity of zinc alloys, a precisely defined surface texture can be added to part or all of the ‘as cast’ product. As a result, zinc castings can be made to look like solid gold, weathered brass, stainless steel, and even leather. Other external features such as lettering and logos can be ‘cast in’.
Zinc alloy’s density and its counter pointing ability to be very thinly cast allow the designer to influence the user’s perception of weight, balance, solidity and inertia. For instance, coolness in hand, a premium quality metallic feel and other perceived sensations are factors valued by many users of zinc die castings. On the other hand, ‘warm feel’ coatings and plastic over-molding are also tactile options that the designer can utilize.
For maximum impact and success, the designer is advised to consult the die caster at an early stage to agree on the best way of designing an economical and aesthetically attractive product.